But there is a problem. I made 2 in size 128, which is Nin's size thinking that because she needs new clothes, she could have both. Well then KK got upset so I tried it on her and it fits! It's just a little shorter. So now they are fighting over the same shirt. I like the pink one, but they both like the owls!
To tell you the truth, I am a little afraid of KK wearing the owl tunic. See, it's mostly white and she is the messiest eater. Nin is a little bit better about keeping her food off her clothes. For being a Virgo who likes order and her things just so, KK surprises me with her messy way of eating!
The owl tunic went together a little better than the pink one. I just kind of winged it on pink one and the placket is a little messy.
Ottobre Design 1/2011 #12
Size 128

Cute little Farbenmix owl ribbon from Holland House

Darling! I have this one on my list, too :)