Last Saturday was bee -u -tiful, so the girls and I worked outside for most of the day. I planted veggies, they played in the mud and their fairy garden.
Speaking of fairy gardens, here is what they have so far. Snap dragons, mexican heather, impatiens, Salvador purple which is a salvia, coreopsis (which reminds me of my granny, so I am glad they chose it!) and some little red flower thing that I can't remember the name of. All of them are just kind of willy nilly planted where they fit.

The amphitheater and watch guard.

Not sure what this is, maybe the beginnings of a fairy swimming pool..

A spider has been visiting the fairy garden!

Can you see it closer now...

The girls spent lots of time playing with their neighbor friend and getting dirty!

In other news, here are the rest of the pics from the garden. Lots of veggies. Some flowers, mainly ones the girls picked out because they thought they were pretty! I did buy myself some black petunias. Very pretty with such striking colors. They are black with gold stripes. I had never seen them in those colors so I bought a pack and stuck them in a planter with the purple ones!
A pepper!




some plants

lettuce in the front yard. This lettuce patch suffered a beat down from the hail the other night, right after this picture was taken. Literally an hour after this picture it was shredded and matted up in the mud from the hail and rain. It seems to be making a comeback...


I just love pea flowers, they are soooo pretty!

tomatoes (I have about 4 more to be planted) these are mostly heirloom varieties, with one early girl. Red zebra, which are pretty, rosso scillian and german pink. One of the german pinks got shredded by hail, so I pulled it and replanted a tomato plant which I failed to mark. if I had to guess which variety it was, I would guess german pink base don the leaves. Once the tomatoes arrive, I can tell for sure!

okra, with 4 more to plant also, oh and weeds!



hosta flowers

hmmmm, I wonder why I only took one picture of the pepper plants. I have like 11 planted...
not garden related, but clothes on the line, which I try to do exclusively on weekends

my favorite part of summer, sun tea!

And finally, the hail that damaged most of our city the other day.

my poor lettuce!

Whew, that was a lot!
What a fun post! We've had hail lately too and I makes me so worried about what it is doing to the garden, but so far not much damage.
ReplyDeleteLove fairy garden, your girls look like they are watching the onions grow! Kim
I love your fairy garden! We are starting one this year. I like how you have lettuces and other edibles in what looks like your landscaping, also planning on doing that-tucking in veggies where I have more spots! Michele
ReplyDeletewow, that is some serious hail!
ReplyDeleteyour girls look like they are having so much fun! love the pic of them checking out the onions.
i love pea blossoms, too - they are so cute!
Thanks! The girls thought maybe the onions would smell, so I told them to lean in a little bit closer and maybe they could smell them. ;) Really just so I could take a pic! And I do throw veggies in whereever they fit! We live on a hill so part of our yard is on a slope. I have to put them where I have room. The lettuce, carrots, basil and cilantro is up front with the flowers!
ReplyDeleteGreat pictures! Hope this week was just as fun, after recovering from the hail (aie)
ReplyDeleteIt looks like lots of fun and lots growing!
ReplyDeleteThough we've had tons of rain, I'm glad we've been spared the hail. Your lettuce looks like it's come back nicely, though.
ReplyDeleteYour purple salvia is a lovely color. :)
Wow you've been busy busy busy! Sorry about the hail, it seems everyone gets it sooner or later (sooner is better, your plants will bounce back). And look at all that hope in your garden! Even a little pepper already!