So I decided on the brown and then tried to find matching ribbing, which I had none! Even JoAnn's didn't have any as the chocolate brown, which is actually a velour, was part of a line a few years ago and they discontinued the color and replaced it with something lighter. While searching JoAnn's I came across some cute little iron on appliques of monkey's and my fate was sealed. I came home with the appliques and then decided to use bright kelly green ribbing to match the appliques.

I almost can't decide which one I would rather use!
The only thing I don't like about the pattern that I didn't realize until it was too late is that the hood isn't lined. So there are serger seams down the middle of the hood which may be okay for bigger kids, but I just feel like the hoods should be lined. Which I took care of in the second one!
I really like how the zipper is diagonal across the body of the suit!
My girls begged for me to put the monkey on the butt!
And so I have completed the first baby outfit for number 3! And a spare!
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