Let's start off with green.

Those are red zebra tomato, watermelon, zucchini and peas.

squash blossom, grated fels naptha soap, flowers in the fairy garden and cucumber flowers (back when my cucumber plant was alive!)

flowers in the fairy garden, bell pepper blossom, onion flower and pea blossom.

onions, mexican heather, salvia (both from the fairy garden) and hosta flowers. Although these are kinda pinky white, but also purple. And since I needed another purple picture, I declare them purple!
Orange and red

Snapdragons, early girl tomato, coreopsis (I believe) and cherry tomatoes.

All flowers from the fairy garden plus a fairy house.
Brown, perhaps these photos most accurately describe the garden right now. With all the rain we have had lately though, I suspect things will perk right back up!

Grass, shrew, dead cucumber plant and some bug.
ooo, i love that zebra tomato! and so glad you got some rain! we have a few vines that are destined for a similar fate, i'm afraid...crossing my fingers, but it's not looking good.