But I went, and I got an antibiotic and things are looking up! However, when you spend so much time asleep, you don't get a lot of sewing done.
I made a little baptism outfit for a friend's baby. The all white was driving me crazy!! So I used an orange zipper and some little puppy dog material for the inside of the waistband.
The pants are from Ottobre 4/2008 and the vest is from Ottobre 5/2006. Both are size 86 but with no seam allowances added since they were a little big to start with.

The pattern didn't call for them, but I included d rings on the back to make the ties adjustable.

I also completed these 2 crazy skirts. I made this skirt before I had a serger and told myself that I would never make another. But with the serger, I could gather and serge together all in one and they went much faster. These are the Sudoku skirts from Ottobre 1/2009. The premise is to make 8 gores for each skirt. Each gore consists of 3 pieces. The tiers come in 3 heights of a, b and c. So in one gore you could have a 1b, 2a and 3c or 1c, 2b and 3a. The idea is to get an a, b and c in each gore and to make sure that the heights vary from gore to gore. So you don't want 2 1a's right next to each other. I was making 2 which made things infinately more complicated. I actually made a couple extra gores so that I could make sure everything was staggered!
I dug through my scrap box and pulled out some scraps which hadn't seen the light of day in years and divied them up by color (ish). Then I just started cutting, saving the bigger scraps for the tier 3 pieces. I needed 24 pieces for each skirt, or 48 for both and I used 40 scraps so each skirt has a couple of the same pieces.
The girlies love these! They put them on and immediately started twirling. All over the back deck. In fact, they wouldn't hold still for pictures. And that is what makes these skirts great. The girls love them, I love them, everyone who stops to look at them loves them. And I get to look at the scraps and remember all the things I made!

Wahhhh, my last piece of Tillbrook fairies!

I know, I know, another Antonia. KK painted this one back in January and I just got around to cutting the rest out and sewing it up.

Finally, the girls wanted to take their school spirit shirts and cut them up into something else. Seriously, what other kid looks at a brand new shirt and asks their mom to cut it up and make it into something else. Only mine.
So I obliged and got around to cutting up Nin's. Much to KK's chagrin. I turned it into a Mamu Sabrina. Not happy at all with it. It was more of a "get it done because the sinus infection is killing me" kinda dress. But Nin likes it and she loves that it has a hood!

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