Look at KK's new classes! They are very stylish for the 8 year old crowd, being that they are Hannah Montana and all.

All week all I have made is one little bitty ole shirt. This has been in my cut out pile for some time and since I am trying to work my way through that pile before fall gets here I thought now was as good of time as any. KK and Nin have exactly 8,329,487 of these shirts. One, because they take hardly any fabric and two, well I like instant gratification and I can sew up like 5 of these in an hour. They are quite possibly the easiest shirt pattern to sew. However, as the title says, I did not make this shirt to match this skirt. I made the skirt last summer and it still happens to fit, but she thought they matched because they had the same colors. Because I was already 15 min. late that day, I didn't argue.
Angie, by a German pattern designer
Size 122 with lots of extra length added
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