We had quite a few earth day projects between school and the local university.
Nin had to make a robot out of recycled materials. She definately wanted a girl robot with big red lips. So with an ice cream tub, some pop bottles, a piece of used yellow paper, and those little wiggly eyeballs (which weren't recycled) she came up with this.

Then the local university had an event in their art lab for kids to make bird houses out of orange juice jugs. We just need to hang them up and put some food into the pop lids.

We have had various sightings of Diggy, the black squirrel who lives in the neighborhood. This may not be unusual to you, but all we have around these parts is plain old brown squirrels. The first time we saw Diggy, Nin yelled, "mom there is a skunk in the driveway!" I googled and found that there are indeed black squirrels, just not around here. So where he came from we have no idea, but we like having him around. He disappeared for a summer a couple years ago, but he has been making steady appearances the last 2 summers. He has quite the reputation in the neighborhood and everyone knows who he is!
BTW- we named him Diggy after Rev Run's son, but all the neighbors have different names for him.


A tray of seedlings that desperately need to be planted outside. This weekend is my goal.

One pathetic carrot. Seriously, where are the rest?

Lots of basil! Yumm!


Lilac bushes. When we first moved in, I had no idea these were in the back fence line because it was summer and they were done blooming. The next spring though, these babies popped up and the smell was divine! The whole back fence line is planted with these in several different colors. Each of these bushes is about 7 or 8 foot tall and propably 5 foot across. I have no idea why they do so well back there, but when I open the windows in the spring and the wind carries their perfume into the house, it is nothing short of a miracle. They smell sooooo good!!