I got together with friends and their daughters the Saturday before Christmas and painted t-shirt fronts with the kids. The kids did a few and the adults did a few. And then they left me with a big ol' mess. The end. Okay, not really.
So we decided to make a few Christmas ones and then let the kids pick a second design. Since 4 out of the 5 kids picked a reindeer, I set them up with just 4 colors to chose from. You know sometimes with kids, less is more. I should have given them 2. When you see the shirts, you will know why. But it was fun and the kids had a really great time and when they saw their completed shirts they were stoked!
So I got to mix and match the rest of the shirt parts (which is the fun part for me!). So here is what we got, in size order.

I had a hard time deciding on the fabric for these. I only had a few Christmasy fabrics to chose from. I found the solids and then found the red and blue stripes. And then in my remnant pile I found the green and white stripes, which incidently is a Target baby blanket. I was almost out of the green and white and it was my fave, but I managed to stretch it into 2 shirts.
So Wed. night I finished these so that the kiddos could have them for Christmas.
And then Sunday I picked out fabric for the other designs and sewed them all up in one marathon. These were my favorite to do because I could literally pick any fabric and trim and ribbon I wanted! I sat for 2 hours on the floor of my sewing room playing with fabric trying to get the right combos before cutting and sewing! I am only slightly insane.
In size order again.....
We have Baby Ally's, with a band at the bottom to be more like a tunic than a t-shirt. I checked with her mom first to make sure she had pink or brown leggings. Because dang it, this shirt needs them and I was prepared to make her some.
Look closely at her sleeves. They are cut off another t-shirt...


And look at this trim on the sleeves! Ruffle FOE (fold over elastic). Matches perfect!

Then there is Addi B's.

And she gets 2 different trims. One in between the sleeve pieces and one at the sleeve end.

Next in Nin's.. She painted this one herself. Hello Kitty! I cut up one of her old shirts to use as the sleeves and she was a bit disappointed at first but then I convinced her that since the old shirt didn't fit they were better as sleeves. The lace trim was already on the bottom so I just left it! Look how cute it is!!

Last is KK's. I tried a new sleeve band on the bottom but somehow my math didn't work out and they are a little short. She doesn't mind though that they are more like 3/4 sleeves.

5 little shirts all lined up

How is that for insane? 10 shirts in 4 days?